Chronicles of a seeker diving into the unknown

Bhagwat Gita says

"Know the self by serving a master with an attitude of surrender, by questioning him (About the true knowledge) with a desire to know. These wise men, those who see the truth of self, will teach you this knowledge" (IV:34)

A seeker is full of questions and a master is full of answers. My impromptu dialogs with the spiritual Master Nirguna Swami Akshara resulted in these chronicles which i present here for your personal contemplations and awakening..

-Puneet Banga

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What you seek is exactly what IT IS NOW

me: Can enlightenment come without ever seeking it ?
Master Akshara: Basically you should know what is enlightenment first before talking about when it would come.

Unless you have an idea how do you know whats coming ? Or can you tell whats coming is enlightenment ?

me: I do not even use the word "Enlightenment" for the same reason as the word would normally confine to a meaning, which in this case is not true.

swami ji, in other sense i can say that the end of all seeking is enlightenment or attainment of truth
Master Akshara: True

me: but there is a definite quality to this end...kindly specify more on it ?
Master Akshara: When you know what you seek is exactly what IT IS NOW then the search end now or any moment in the NOW then

me: It is said that this end may not be always pleasant, the truth could be horrifying or is it possible that a seeker may not be able to handle it properly?
Master Akshara: On the contrary this end is the most pleasant one its a great relief and perhaps you would breath really free for the first time.

You would see life as it is for the first time You would speak, touch hear as if for the first time.

me: so any of such beliefs which may bar seeker from IT are really unfounded and maybe coming from past impressions ?
Master Akshara: Yes from the past impressions which make you imagine about future in a particular way, thus drifting you away from the 'goal' of the here now.

me: Also it is said that we should not really seek IT as a 'Goal'. There is very genuine question that why would one then one really go for IT ?
Master Akshara: When you stopped going for IT(Enlightenment) you enter BEING then the being 'becomes' the goal

me: So it becomes a living experience is what i understand !
Master Akshara: Yes. Every moment, moment by moment.

me: Could it be that some people experience IT in moments and it does not become their being, could it be the start of search into spirituality for some ?
Master Akshara: The starting always happens for almost all in the future as a 'future' reality as a distant goal to somehow reach or attain.

me: So is it inbuilt in kind of DNA of humans to reach this 'Goal' or to a few this seeking happens ?
Master Akshara: The DNA must be playing a truant here too, but the DNA of the seeker who would 'attain' does not decide anything by itself, because the DNA itself was built by something else to behave that way.

me: That is amazing direction then, though i used DNA in a generic way, it usually describes the directions in which a body will go in terms of height, health etc and it is predecided as you mentioned...but what i get from here is that is the future direction of life of a human is also pre decided ?
Master Akshara: Pre decided can be a precarious term because when we say 'Pre' then as assume there was a past which decides the future.

But the past is NOT having existence (it is only a memory) and whatever happens is not based on a decision made by something or someone, but it happens and at the time of its happening, the 'decision' also happens, like some kind of on the spot decision.

me: At the time of this happening, probability theory would provide alternates in decision making, so the question is that are these alternates available to a normal unenlightened person?
Master Akshara: To the 'unenlightened', the probabilities always exist. He thrives on them in fact. He does not realize that it is a illusion. He wants to believe that there are many options and ways and paths and he thinks he can choose and follow a path decisively as per his plan.

But his true enlightenment happens only when he wakes up from such a assumed notion or a plain illusory thinking.

me: My understanding was that past karmas or impressions take a person to a particular decision and as an enlightened person is free of karmas, he can take decisions completely in present. But from your answer it looks different. ?
Master Akshara: The 'enlightened' is not some special creature endowed with special power as if he conquered the matrix and exited the time space dimensions. But a simple being waking up from the 'beliefs' and 'notions' about a life trapped in time and space.

He would continue to still live under the influence of time and space
but deep within he had already gotten over with both time and space. As a result he seems to have the freedom to live life without any doubts and fears and the seemingly inevitable 'urge' to reach somewhere.

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