Chronicles of a seeker diving into the unknown

Bhagwat Gita says

"Know the self by serving a master with an attitude of surrender, by questioning him (About the true knowledge) with a desire to know. These wise men, those who see the truth of self, will teach you this knowledge" (IV:34)

A seeker is full of questions and a master is full of answers. My impromptu dialogs with the spiritual Master Nirguna Swami Akshara resulted in these chronicles which i present here for your personal contemplations and awakening..

-Puneet Banga

Friday, October 22, 2010

Is Awareness a Technique?

me: Namaste Swami ji
Master Akshara: Namaste Puneet! Anything you wanted to say Puneet?

me: Just now i was reading your blog on "Laya" and it looked like a continuance of our previous discussion.The topic on dynamic consciousness is beautiful...but i have to say here that it is extremely difficult for me to be in the moment.

Is there a technique which could be helpful even further...The inner fear, worries about self and knowns etc... strike and mind goes for a journey (many times repetitive)... yesterday i tried to say...come back, here did help but only momentarily..Usually the mind wanders.... 
Master Akshara: Do you want the mind to come stick to the present moment once and for all ? Or allow it to familiarize itself to the terrain of the moment and gradually settle itself in there?

me: Swami ji, I will try to explain the things in more detail...I  think I have started to understand the subtle difference in "self" and "mind". Sometimes my "self" or intention itself is weak, it enjoys the roaming of mind and does not want it to settle 
Master Akshara: Yes, when the steady SELF and the drifting MIND are identified with their clear differences in definition and function, then its easier to "settle down" ...

me: I am not sure if i do understand properly but i think i get the difference... i have lesser identification with mind now. but sometimes my self allows it a free rein, many a times on purpose...something to make identification with the self strengthened...maybe might help me progress
Master Akshara: You are still likely to believe that a technique is more powerful or helpful than AWARENESS.
But the technique is to be AWARE when the mind drifts - simple.
More and more awareness about
  - How the mind drifts
  - When it drifts

Then you would find the mind to settle down itself. If you wish to call it a technique, then its ok !But I would not put AWARENESS in to a technique category !

me: I will call it an understanding. Swmiji, I think in past when the mind drifts, I started to identify completely with it and that's when i lost the awareness...that is what I was calling as weak self.

Swamiji, is this non-identification with mind and being Aware of it's drifting a right understanding NOW. 
Master Akshara: Non - identification is not needed.You can identify BUT also be aware of its dynamism and your identification.If you don't identify with the mind then you may not be able to perform well in the world. Mind is the essential tool for you to function. Non-identification can cause self divide...

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