Chronicles of a seeker diving into the unknown

Bhagwat Gita says

"Know the self by serving a master with an attitude of surrender, by questioning him (About the true knowledge) with a desire to know. These wise men, those who see the truth of self, will teach you this knowledge" (IV:34)

A seeker is full of questions and a master is full of answers. My impromptu dialogs with the spiritual Master Nirguna Swami Akshara resulted in these chronicles which i present here for your personal contemplations and awakening..

-Puneet Banga

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What constitutes a spiritual path

me: My idea is to first know if a path is really needed? As there have been statements like the truth is a pathless path. That makes the whole thing confusing.
Master Akshara: Not really confusing ! Because, to arrive to this understanding of Pathless Path you need a path its more of a paradigm shift in understanding which can be grossly described as 'Path".

From the original thought you had earlier on that spiritual goal is achieved through many paths, then you come to the present understanding that coming is the path actually !

Still I may not agree that you have really come to the pathless land. Because you are 'confused' as you mentioned. Which means you are somewhere on the 'path' still !

me: I do not believe that i have come on the pathless land and that is why i am dwelling a bit on whatever looks like a different path
Master Akshara: That dwelling on various ideas from time to time is the path and the journey too

me: but i have this feeling that a serious deep dive into one may be required. And i think different paths are for different kind of individuals and a specific path may work best for one. How can one figure it out
Master Akshara: First of all do not read the pathless path theory now. Stick to your venture of figuring out the right path. Because the Pathless Path is known only after reaching the destination. Till then the paths DO EXIST.

And there is no exclusive paths for each individual but paths merge and emerge. Its like when you step out of your home you may walk through a small lane which will connect to a main road, then the main road leads to highway and free way. You would be sometimes taking a bus or train and flight..

me: I get that. The only difference is that in the case of travel, the destination is it is unknown. So i can not know what i am choosing is taking me anywhere or not
Master Akshara: There are more differences than what you mentioned here. The destination is 'unknown' only because it is to be achieved in some future point of time.

me: And the path is sort of map to that destination.
Master Akshara: Its both like a map and the actually time and space taken for reaching the goal. The path and journey are inseparable. Never you can travel separately away from the path. Because whatever life has brought you to is the path.

me: Even if the journey is in seemingly diferent directions
Master Akshara: Yes. The conflict in the twisting and turning is in itself the path. Not a pleasant free way but perhaps a choked up gally in Chandni Chowk you can say..still its a path.

me: Swami ji, i understand this and that has been my state till now, personally how do i go to a highway now from this choked gully.
Master Akshara: Going to highway is a sign of more clarity which has happened to you. That is when the confusion about paths and the need to select a path and trying to understand the destination etc. causes the mind to choke and as a result one is stuck up and feel not so much progressed.

me: Agreed swami ji, there is more clarity through the discussions and the quality of life is different due to it... now it is like what next
Master Akshara: What next is exactly the question that creates the 'path'. From here to what next which means...
1. Where do I go from here?
2. How do I go ?
3. How long does it take ?
4. Where will reach?
5. How far is it from here?

me: Swami ji, i am only concerned about "How do i go"
Master Akshara: This thought of going somewhere causes the creation of path.

me: So are you implying that i am already on this "path"
Master Akshara: Whatever you have lived till this moment is the path and whatever you are likely to experience further is the path. It is not separable from you, or from your life.

On your path, at this juncture you are chatting up with me. but you think you are yet to select a path.

Everybody is already on the path. They all have come some distance in their lives. Not necessarily in terms of money only as an ordinary mind would mistake.. but its about intellectual growth and emotional maturity and even physical growth, your psychological understandings too have gone through changes. These changes constitute the path

me: I think i am understanding it, whatever be that is very tightly engrained with life itself...not something seperate to be followed as a routine for few moments of time.
Master Akshara: Exactly ! Very well said. So what happens is that you dont scramble to find a path anymore.......and dont even bother to choose between paths (the right and suitable path)........and perhaps you don't bother how to reach the goal too !

me: I think i understand it now, it is not about a specific name of could be anything, a mix or is about what growth it is bringing as you mentioned above
Master Akshara: When you have clearly understood that you are on the path from the moment you were born.....and you have always been traveling and journeying......but just that you were NOT aware and at some juncture you meet up some one who points out this truth about path......and upon being aware of it like how you become aware of it now, then that very moment most of the conflicting and confusing thoughts which have been haunting you drops off.

As a result of that you suddenly find yourself airlifted from the Chandni Chowk to a free way and you would be journeying more spontaneously and without much struggle or effort and thats the sign that you have come much closer to the goal.

me: The understanding looks quite simple and yet profound

1 comment:

  1. Dear Puneet,

    your blog lets me have an unknown personal interaction with The Master!
    am glad to have this bit of the journey here as a part of the pathless path...

